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In face of the long-term operation in extreme environments of elevated temperatures (
When materials are subjected to neutron or ion irradiations, the target atom will be dislodged from its lattice site after receiving sufficient energy, and then further collide with other target atoms, creating a displacement cascade. The cascade can be either quenched into a nanometer-scaled amorphous domain or annealed quickly with some point defects consisting of vacancies, interstitials, antisite defects, or defect clusters.[7,12] During the past few decades, many criteria have been proposed to explain the stability of ceramics under irradiation such as the geometrical structure, melting point, polymerization index, elastic modulus, and bonding type.[13] Among these models, the bonding type was proposed as a factor relating resistance to amorphization for the first time by Naguib and Kelly in 1975,[13] and then it was discussed in detail in Trachenko et al.ʼs[14] work and was proved to be a key parameter to control the response of material to irradiation damage. It is supposed that the ability to resisting the irradiation is generally governed by the competition between the short-range covalent force and long-range ionic force.[14,15] A complex material is readily amorphizable by radiation damage if it is able to form a covalent network. This method has been successfully used to explain the different radiation resistances of 116 materials that are different from their families, including binary and ternary compounds. The advantage of this model is that it can be applied extensively to compounds with different compositions and chemical structures.
In this paper, we present a comprehensive study on the properties of various charge states based on the Bader analysis[16] and the first-principle calculation.[17] We quantify the proposed theory of resistance to amorphization from the electronic structures in several pairs of MAX phase materials. Furthermore, we propose to use the effective charge transfer as an independent criterion to elucidate the amorphization mechanism. Our calculations accord with the experimental results, showing that it is reliable and accurate. Our method possesses the value of practical applications since it may achieve unified cognition of
First-principle calculations were conducted with the Vienna Ab initio simulation package (VASP).[18,19] The frozen-core projector augmented-wave (PAW)[20,21] potentials were used to describe the interaction between ions and electrons. The generalized gradient approximation (GGA-PBE) is used for treating the electronic exchange-correlation function. In the meantime, Bader analysis, a novel method, is used to calculate the effective charge on individual atoms. Being an intuitive scheme for visualizing atoms in molecules, Bader’s definition makes use of so-called zero flux surfaces to divide atoms. Bader analysis is better than wave function-based population methods (e.g., Mulliken population analysis)[22] because it is based on the charge density, which is an observable quantity that can be measured experimentally or calculated. Furthermore, the charge density is insensitive to the basis set used. Also, it carries out decomposition of electronic charge density into atomic contributions. The charge enclosed within the Bader volume is a good approximation to the total electronic charge of an atom.[16] Together with the VASP code, it was used to quantify the core charge and partition electrons amongst fragments of the system in MAX phases.
In the detailed calculation settings, the total energy was converged to better than 0.1 meV with a plane wave cutoff of 450 eV. The density of states (DOS) calculation was based on a primitive unit cell and Brillouin zone sampling was performed by using the Monkhost–Pack scheme with a k-point grid of 21× 21× 21, whereas a small Monkhorst–Pack 8× 8× 4 k-point sampling for the Brillouin zone was used in a static self-consistent calculation.[23] The values of the kinetic energy cutoff and the k-point grid were determined by the convergence of total energies. All calculations were performed within a primitive unit cell containing 12 atoms and 8 atoms, respectively for
The MAX phases have a hexagonal symmetry in space group P63/mmc with Wyckoff positions. The structure of 312 MAX phases consists of hexagonal layers stacked in the repeated sequence A–M(1)–X–M(2)–X–M(1). There are two non-equivalent M atoms denoting M(1) and M(2) with Wyckoff positions of 4f (1/3, 2/3,
We perform a thorough research with 12 MAX phases (Ti3SiC2, Ti3AlC2, Ti3SiN2, Ti3AlN2, Cr2AlC, Cr2GeC, Cr2GaC, Nb2AlC, Ta2AlC, Ti2AlC, Ti2AlN, and V2AlC), most of which have been previously investigated experimentally. We first calculate the lattice constants of these MAX phases to validate both the pseudopotentials and the method used in this simulation. The calculated structural parameters are shown in Table
The MAX phases can be considered as robust materials when subjected to ion irradiation. Nevertheless, according to observations different MAX phases behave differently under irradiation and the reason for this remains unclear. Motivated by the necessity to focus extensively on the evolution of the microstructure during the irradiation, we summarize some experimental data to illustrate the diversity of radiation tolerance, and the results are given in Table
Basically, all the macroscopic properties of materials originate from their electronic structure properties as well as the natures of the chemical bonding. Trachenko et al. have given a more general comprehension of the physics of radiation damage.[14] A material with high ionic bonding is more resistant to amorphization than a material with covalent bonding. In general, short-range covalent contributions lead to highly directional bonds and a number of distinct potential energy minima which act as barriers to recovery of periodicity in the vicinity of the collision cascade, whereas long-range ionic contributions minimizes the barriers to recovery of atomic periodicity. What is more, the local recrystallization process is promoted in a material with high ionicity of bonding by ions attracting oppositely charged neighbors and making the “defect” structures that consist of neighboring atoms of the same charge energetically unfavorable, whereas this effect is absent in a covalent structure.[13,15]
Based on the model provided by Trachenko, the relations between radiation resistance and the bonding trend of these MAX phases can be further analyzed by the calculated total electron density of states (TDOS) as well as their partial density of states (PDOS) as demonstrated in Figs.
To illustrate the influence of transition metal M in MAX phase in terms of its radiation resistance observed in experiment, we choose Ti2AlC, Cr2AlC, and V2AlC for investigating the relations between their radiation resistance and bonding trend. The DOS and PDOS of them are presented in Fig.
Regarding the bonding trend between M and A, the various resistances to amorphization of Ti2AlC, V2AlC, and Cr2AlC under the same irradiation condition can be easily explained. The weak interaction of M–A in MAX phase promotes irradiated defects recombination, which contributes to preserving their crystalline structures. So the substitutions of Cr by V and V with Ti can increase the resistance of radiation, leading to the conclusion that the crystal structure of the Ti-based
The charge density contours can also be used to explain the differences in bonding characters. We expand our ideas to the M–A bonding character in the context of the calculated charge density. It is suggested that the high radiation damage tolerance exhibited by many ceramic M–X compounds and the rapid recovery from damage which is inherent in metallic M–A compounds are both present in MAX phases. Figure
A similar method has also been used in Xiao et al.ʼs work,[8] in which this model was validated. Our discussion also verifies the theory on the relationship between irradiation resistance and bonding type. To provide the further comprehension of the mechanism, much more atoms are tested.
An atom in MAX phases also plays a major role in radiation resistance.[31] To elucidate the different behaviors of A atoms when subjected to the radiation of energetic ions, we focus on the bonding characters of two structures: Ti3AlC2 and Ti3SiC2. The TDOS and PDOS of them are shown in Fig.
It can be further verified by the directional bonds between Ti-Si and Ti–Al in these two compounds as revealed by the electron density distribution plot demonstrated in Fig.
This can also explain the greater resistance to amorphization of Cr2AlC than Cr2GeC under the same irradiation condition. The structural reconstruction with stronger bonding of Cr–Ge than Cr–Al should require additional energy cost, which leads to low radiation tolerance.
The improved radiation tolerance of Ti2AlC compared with Ti3AlC2 observed in the experiments has drawn a great deal of attention in recent years. Rietveld analyses of the XRD spectra for Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 revealed a drastic difference in irradiation tolerance between the two compounds in Tallman et al.ʼs work.[10] By enhancing the inherent ability to accommodate radiation-induced defects in nanostructured composites, the A atomic plane is supposed to play a decisive role in improving the radiation tolerance of the material.[31] In terms of the same chemical elements, other factors should be introduced to fully explain the improvements of radiation tolerance. We focuse on the increased ratio of the Al/TiC layer and the relative interlayer distance in lattice. The density of A atomic planes grows with the increase of the Al/TiC layer. The interlayer distance between Ti–C–Ti in Ti2AlC is almost half that in Ti3AlC2, indicating that Ti2AlC has more intercalated A atomic planes per MX layer than Ti3AlC2. From this perspective, we can explain the improvement of radiation tolerance from Ti3AlC2 to Ti2AlC observed in experiments.
By making a comparison of DOS and charge density among different MAX phases, we find that crystal-structured Ti-based MAX phases are more resistant to amorphization than V/Cr-based MAX phases, and the
Though the irradiation tolerance of the MAX phase could be roughly estimated by analyzing its DOS and charge density map and so on, it is still difficult to compare more than three MAX phases. It is also difficult to obtain a conclusion by using the density of electron in a certain surface. It should depend on the three-dimensonal (3D) distribution of electrons. Therefore, we try to use the effective charge as a new tool and it is generally perceived to be more accurate than bonding characters presented by DOS overlap and visual observation of the charge density map.[8,24]
The criterion in terms of charge is based on the good empirical correlation of resistance with the ionicity of the chemical bond, using Pauling or Phillips definitions.[33] It should be noted that neither of the concepts of ‘ionicity’ and ‘covalency’ is clearly defined because both of them contribute considerably to a bond, making it impossible to draw a clear line between them. One of the reliable ways to determine the bonding character is to analyze the electron density maps obtained from either experimental diffraction methods or quantum-mechanical calculations. Unlike the Bader analysis method in our research, the Voronoi deformation density charges[34] and Mulliken overlap population[35,36] were calculated in Trachenko et al.ʼs work. In their report, they proposed that the increase of Q and decrease of M result in the increase of resistance of a complex compound.[14] But it is not obvious to attribute the charges to one atom or the other in Mulliken overlap population, which is based on the plane wave basis. According to the above discussion, we choose the Bader analysis because it is intuitive to calculating the charge in individual atoms in molecules and crystals, and it also conforms to chemical experience. We have recently compiled the list of twelve materials to illustrate that their resistances can be generally explained by charge transfer as shown in Figs.
The amount of charge transfer can characterize the degree of ionicity in a certain MAX-phase compound. The bond behaves more like an ionic bond when the charge transfer value is a high positive or low negative value, allowing the damaged structure to reestablish coherence with the crystalline lattice more easily, whereas the low positive or high negative charge transfer behaves more like a covalent bond, which should require additional energy cost in structural reconstruction.[37] In this case, we make an in-depth analysis on charge transfers of different M, A, and X atoms in MAX phases.
Regarding the charge transfer trend with 211 MAX phases, M elements have significant influences on the irradiation damage process. From Fig.
The charge transfer of A atoms in MAX phases plays an important role in their resisting amorphization. The intercalated A atoms in the nanolaminated crystal
Finally, we focus on the effects of X atoms on radiation tolerance of 211 MAX phases. In Ti2AlC, the charge transfer value of C is slightly lower than that of N in Ti2AlN, while C obtains 1.7389 electrons and N gains 1.6 electrons. The similar charge transfer value manifests the basically consistent radiation tolerance of them and no quantitative description of their differences has been shown experimentally so far.
The mechanism of amorphization in terms of the bonding characters in these 211 MAX phases demonstrates that the substitution of Ge/V/Ta/Nb by Ti and Si/Ga by Al in
A meaningful comparison of the character of charge transfer electrons among 312 MAX phases can also be carried out. Our calculation about charge transfer contrasts the result from the readily amorphizable materials with resisting the radiation. It is illustrated that the Si in Ti3SiC2 and Ti3SiN2 obtain more electrons than Al in Ti3AlC2 and Ti3AlN2 as shown in Fig.
Covalency and ionicity are different characterization ways in which the electron density can be distributed in a solid. Higher ionicity promotes the recombination of irradiated defects, contributing to preserving their crystalline structure. The difference in charge transfer between different atoms in MAX phases can explain the diversity of resistance to amorphization under the same irradiation condition, and also leads to a prior consideration of selecting the MAX phases that can highly resist the radiation for the applications in a future nuclear system.
The charge transfers of 312 and 211MAX phases are investigated based on the Bader analysis method. We quantify the proposed theory of resistance to amorphization from the electronic structure of each atom. The interatomic M–X, M–A, and X–A bonding characters are also analyzed to further illustrate the radiation damage mechanisms in these
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